Monday 22 May 2017

Quiet For 2 Years -- Now Here's My Fun Debut Novel!

I can't believe it is two years since my last blog posting. A lot has happened during this time and now I have released my first novel on Amazon internationally and it comes in both print and Kindle versions

"Penny Wise -- Spy Foolish"  

What is this humorous book all about?

A 1980’s cash-strapped and bungling British Secret Service finds an economic route to urgently hiring a new field operative, Jasper Lambe (with an “e”) for a special mission in India.
Time and budget constraints limit Jasper’s induction, leading to the equivalent of a baby bird being pushed out of a nest and expected to fly even though its feathers have not yet developed.
The inexperienced and inept British agent muddles his way through a maze of deceit, deviousness and danger to bring the mission to a relatively successful conclusion whilst unwittingly getting entangled in an altogether different one.

Sneak a peek at the preview: